One of the happiest times in your life is when you get engaged. You have discovered someone who genuinely cares for you and is willing to stay with you through good times and bad. Your engagement ring will forever be a sign of your eternal love. So, it is critical to have a ring that fits you properly.
Your weight may fluctuate over time, making it difficult for the ring to stay on your finger or for you to remove it. Or your fiancee has purchased the incorrect size, you can have an engagement ring resized without hurting the metal or stone.
Here is everything for you to know about engagement ring resizing.
How A Jeweller Increases The Size
Of Your Ring
Add More Metal
If the ring is big
enough, the first step is to add more metal to the band to help it spread out.
To add more material and support, the ring's shank will be shortened and a
little gold bridge soldered on. It is the favored procedure because it is the
least damaging to the metal and stone.
Stretch The Ring
However, stretching the ring is another option. The negative of this is that it increases the chances of injuring the engagement ring and weakening the metal. Furthermore, it can only be used to adjust the ring by roughly a half size, which is insufficient if you require extra space.
How To Decrease The Size Of Your
Cut And Shoulder Young Ring
It's easier to make a ring smaller than it is to make it larger. The jeweler only needs to cut a small hole in the engagement ring and then solder the two ends back together. The surface will be polished and smoothed when these components are combined to achieve a faultless finish.
Which Metals Are Easiest To Rework?
When it comes to reworking, not all metals are made equal. Yellow gold metal is the easiest of all metals to rework since it is easy to restore. White gold is more difficult to work with since it will require a new coat of rhodium plating to maintain its gorgeous white gold lustre. Because of its susceptibility to oxidation, rose gold is the most challenging of the golds.
Does Your Ring Need A Resizing?
If your ring is a little too big or too little, you might wonder, if it's worth the hassle to have it resized. It's difficult to tell how your engagement ring should fit. The most important feature is that the ring is comfortable to wear and does not fall off your finger by itself. Your fingers will swell and shrink as a result of the heat and temperature.
If you have more
questions regarding resizing the ring, you can contact Grand Diamonds. Visit today and choose the best fit for your partner.
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